Weekly roundup, March 31, 2014
Topics: Computer yoga, OneNote API, BitCoin explained, WordPress for PhpStorm, hosting service for .NET, personal data protocols, git prompt.
Topics: Computer yoga, OneNote API, BitCoin explained, WordPress for PhpStorm, hosting service for .NET, personal data protocols, git prompt.
Unit testing PHP, test images for color-blindness, hands-on learning, RSS on Github, myths of software development.
MS tech webinar, image multi-tool, call for developers, code review tools, PhpStorm.
Incentivizing software issues, free images for your blog, testing Javascript, automating browser tests.
Mock EF databases, cure cancer while you sleep, API jobs, nutrition calculators, & a better traceroute.
Just finished watching the ReSharper Secrets video on the JetBrainsTV channel on YouTube. Several good tips there. Definitely worth watching. The presenter spends the bulk of the time talking about Annotations – which are how ReSharper works a lot of its magic and are now available to us for decorating our own code. He closes …