Weekly roundup, March 24, 2014
Unit testing PHP, test images for color-blindness, hands-on learning, RSS on Github, myths of software development.
Unit testing PHP, test images for color-blindness, hands-on learning, RSS on Github, myths of software development.
Mock EF databases, cure cancer while you sleep, API jobs, nutrition calculators, & a better traceroute.
I’m going to try something new, in an effort to both share things I find out about and write more. Each week I’ll compile a list of cool and/or useful tools, information, tips, etc. and post them here each Friday: Listened to a great Hanselminutes podcast interview with Model View Culture – A new media …
Every developer should listen to Hanselminutes #396 Bugs Considered Harmful with Douglas Crockford Especially new software developers. I, too, have observed the trend Crockford mentions: The ignorance of what has come before and the whys of our industry. The obsession with Cool New Shiny and Faster-faster-faster! The latter is especially in my mind recently as …