Weekly roundup – April 28th
Topics: Free MS ebooks, Xamarin podcast, cloud server in 55 sec., squash your PNGs, Heartbleed fallout, RDP from Android.
Topics: Free MS ebooks, Xamarin podcast, cloud server in 55 sec., squash your PNGs, Heartbleed fallout, RDP from Android.
Topics: VMWare re-certification, “you want to be a programmer?”, symlinks for WordPress plugins, open source HTML5 widgets, 1-click VM deployment.
Today I am announcing a crowd-funding campaign to build the ‘FoodStats’ app for Android.
If you have or know somebody with diabetes, high blood pressure or dietary restrictions – and a smart phone – watch for a major announcement from me tomorrow (4/15/2014) morning.
Telecommuting tips, update OpenSSL, the end of crapware?, Git tutorials, free education, ideas into products, humanize numbers, better Datetimes, a Git GUI.
I’ll soon be announcing a project I’m very excited about: a portable library and Android app for the wonderful data provided by the folks at NutritionIX. NutritionIX provides comprehensive nutrition information for individual food items as well as popular restaurants – something that has been extremely useful in managing my diabetes (type 2). Watch this …
Years ago I came up with an idea I call distributed micro-income. Businesses have been doing this for decades (as have artists such as authors and musicians) but it’s only in recent years that it has become practical for small groups and individuals on a large scale. Distributed micro-income The idea is simple: Rather than …
The Weekly roundup is my regular post of interesting and useful things I’ve found or done over the last week. Topics: Diversity in tech, crypto, online verification, Windows pkg management, .NET Foundation, a better RSS reader, tutorials, taking credit cards, debugging mod_rewrite.
The following tutorial was first published on my website and is Copyright © Shawn South 2002. All rights reserved. Computers only understand numbers The first thing to understand about computers is that they are nothing more than a powerful, glorified calculator. The only thing they know – the only thing they understand – is numbers. …
I resisted saying anything yesterday because I didn’t want people to think it was a prank, but Bellevue College has decided not to renew my annual contract and let me go.