Use the Chocolatey package manager to install and maintain tools:
cinst 7zip 7zip.commandline aescrypt agentransack bleachbit ccleaner clink ConEmu dns-benchmark everything findandreplace flashplayerplugin Gow greenshot hashcheck javaruntime LinkShellExtension markdown-edit mingw NirLauncher notepad2-mod previewconfig processhacker putty sysinternals treesizefree ultradefrag wincdemu winscp
The 64-bit version of Notepad++ is not compatible with the Plugin Manager, so install the 32-bit version (unless you want to manually install and maintain plugins).
NOTE: Updating this package without specifying 32-bit will install the 64-bit version, removing the plugins. Update this package separately and before a cup all
cinst notepadplusplus -x86
See also: Configuring Markdown support.
After install:
shellrunas /reg
cinst flashplayeractivex MicrosoftSecurityEssentials
The following applications are available via Chocolatey, but have their own update mechanisms, which should install updates faster than manually running choco upgrade
cinst firefox noscript https-everywhere-firefox
cinst googlechrome https-everywhere-chrome save-to-pocket-chrome pushbullet-chrome trello-chrome office-online-chrome
cinst FoxitReader
The following software does not yet have a Chocolatey package available:
cinst fiddler4 git hackfont jdk8 jmeter linqpad logexpert ngrok.portable nodejs NuGet.commandline NugetPackageExplorer openinvscode poshgit sourcecodepro sourcepreviewhandler SourceTree sysexp
Includes the following:
There is a bug in version 0.25 of Git-TFS, so install the previous version and pin it:
cinst gittfs -version 0.24.2 choco pin add -n=gittfs --version 0.24.2
Diff tools
cinst beyondcompare beyondcompare-integration
cinst winmerge
cinst P4Merge
If not using ReSharper:
cinst dotPeek codemaid
Visual Studio extensions have their own update mechanism, but these are available in Chocolatey. See also: Visual Studio extensions I use.
cinst markdowneditor ignorefiles editorconfig.vs vscoloroutput vs2015-roaming-extension-manager tangible-t4-vs2013 visualstudio-github
Visual Studio Code (with extensions):
cinst VisualStudioCode vscode-csharp vscode-powershell vscode-editorconfig vscode-markdownlint
cinst argouml Pencil prototyper
Blog editing/management:
cinst openlivewriter
Multimedia applications:
cinst vlc