====== Set up a new Windows PC ======
Use the [[http://chocolatey.org|Chocolatey]] package manager to install and maintain tools:
7zip 7zip.commandline aescrypt agentransack bleachbit
ccleaner clink ConEmu dns-benchmark everything
findandreplace flashplayerplugin Gow greenshot
hashcheck javaruntime LinkShellExtension markdown-edit
mingw NirLauncher notepad2-mod previewconfig
processhacker putty sysinternals treesizefree
ultradefrag wincdemu winscp
The 64-bit version of [[https://notepad-plus-plus.org/|Notepad++]] is [[https://github.com/notepad-plus-plus/notepad-plus-plus/issues/2459|not compatible]] with the [[https://bruderste.in/npp/pm/|Plugin Manager]], so install the 32-bit version (unless you want to manually install and maintain plugins).
**NOTE:** Updating this package without specifying 32-bit will install the 64-bit version, removing the plugins. Update this package separately and before a ''cup all''.
cinst notepadplusplus -x86
See also: [[markdown#notepad_configuration|Configuring Markdown support]].
After install:
* Run ''LSEConfig''
* Configure Greenshot
* **Preferences -> Capture**
* Uncheck **Show magnifier**
* Configure ProcessHacker
* **Hacker -> Options -> Advanced**
* Check **Replace Task Manager with Process Hacker**
* Run ''shellrunas /reg''
* Install Notepad++ plugins
===== For Windows 7 =====
cinst flashplayeractivex MicrosoftSecurityEssentials
===== Additional core applications =====
The following applications are available via Chocolatey, but have their own update mechanisms, which should install updates faster than manually running ''choco upgrade''.
* [[http://getfirefox.com/|Firefox]]
* Using Chocolatey: ''cinst firefox noscript https-everywhere-firefox''
* Google [[https://www.google.com/chrome/browser/|Chrome]]
* Using Chocolatey: ''cinst googlechrome https-everywhere-chrome save-to-pocket-chrome pushbullet-chrome trello-chrome office-online-chrome''
* [[http://www.foxitsoftware.com/Secure_PDF_Reader/|Foxit Reader]] - PDF viewer
* Using Chocolatey: ''cinst FoxitReader''
The following software does not yet have a Chocolatey package available:
* [[http://winmtr.net/|WinMTR]] - //combines the functionality of the traceroute and ping utilities in a single network diagnostic tool.//
===== For developers =====
fiddler4 git hackfont jdk8 jmeter linqpad logexpert
ngrok.portable nodejs NuGet.commandline
NugetPackageExplorer openinvscode poshgit
sourcecodepro sourcepreviewhandler SourceTree sysexp
Includes the following:
* LINQpad
* NuGet command-line and [[https://npe.codeplex.com/|Package Explorer]]
* mingw, git, poshgit and SourceTree
* Fiddler and ngrok
* logexpert and logparser
* Additional fonts
There is a bug in version 0.25 of Git-TFS, so install the previous version and pin it:
cinst gittfs -version 0.24.2
choco pin add -n=gittfs --version 0.24.2
Diff tools
* Beyond Compare: ''cinst beyondcompare beyondcompare-integration''
* WinMerge: ''cinst winmerge''
* The [[http://freemind.s57.xrea.com/xdocdiffPlugin/en/index.html|xdocdiff]] plugin (not in Chocolatey) adds support for comparing MS Office documents
* Perforce: ''cinst P4Merge''
If not using ReSharper:
cinst dotPeek codemaid testdriven.net
==== Additional dev installs ====
* [[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=c17ba869-9671-4330-a63e-1fd44e0e2505&displaylang=en|Windows SDK for Windows 7]] ([[http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?familyid=71DEB800-C591-4F97-A900-BEA146E4FAE1&displaylang=en|ISO]]) - shouldn't need this if Visual Studio is installed
==== Optional ====
Visual Studio extensions have their own update mechanism, but these are available in Chocolatey. See also: [[https://trello.com/c/1Rg02j8U/61-visual-studio-extensions|Visual Studio extensions I use]].
markdowneditor ignorefiles editorconfig.vs vscoloroutput
vs2015-roaming-extension-manager tangible-t4-vs2013
Visual Studio Code (with extensions):
cinst VisualStudioCode vscode-csharp vscode-powershell vscode-editorconfig vscode-markdownlint
cinst argouml Pencil prototyper
===== Other software =====
Blog editing/management:
cinst openlivewriter
Multimedia applications:
cinst vlc
===== Windows Server (as a workstation) =====
* Enable //Windows Desktop Search// (for Outlook, etc.) - **Server Manager -> Features -> Windows Search**
* [[http://blogs.technet.com/b/rmilne/archive/2013/07/11/install-desktop-experience-on-windows-server-2012.aspx|Install Desktop Experience On Windows Server 2012]]