**See also:** //[[http://codemastershawn.com/2017/03/09/creating-a-custom-azure-logic-apps-connector/|Creating a custom Azure Logic Apps connector]]// on my blog. **History:** BizTalk -> SharePoint workflow manager -> Logic Apps. * //Flow// is a "lite" version of Logic Apps for Office365. * //Power Apps// is a forms creator/editor for Logic Apps/Flow. ====== Connectors (developing) ====== //Connectors// **are=>** //Azure API Apps// **are=>** //Web API// apps. Two types: * Actions - "Regular old Web API actions" ((https://blog.geist.no/custom-connectors-taking-azure-logic-and-api-apps-for-a-spin-part-2/)) * Triggers * First connector **must** be a trigger. * //Push// or //pull//. * More complex than just a Web API action. **Project file:** ''apiapp.json'' ===== Creating a custom connector ===== Basic steps (taken [[https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/7ec2754a-9df4-46ff-aa62-cd6a6d375229/how-to-create-my-own-custom-connectorsapi-apps-for-logic-apps?forum=azurelogicapps|from support forum]]) - Install the Azure SDK - Create a API App in Visual Studio (New Project -> Web -> API App) - Implement a controller that contains your method - Enable Swagger: Goto App_Start/SwaggerConfig and Remove the comment before EnableSwaggerUI (About line 176). - Publish to the cloud (either create an API App on portal.azure.com and select it in vs or create a new one on publish). - You can then select your API App from a Logic App. === Resources === * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BcQ2SwedDu4|Azure API Apps for Web, Mobile and Logic Apps]] video from %%//Build/%% 2015. * [[http://blogs.u2u.be/michael/post/2017/02/24/Creating-connectors-for-your-Logic-AppsFlow-(Part-1-regular-Connectors).aspx|Creating connectors for your Logic Apps/Flow (Part 1–regular Connectors)]] (Feb. 2017). * [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/logic-apps/logic-apps-create-api-app|Creating a custom API to use with Logic Apps]] (2016). * [[https://blog.geist.no/custom-connectors-taking-azure-logic-and-api-apps-for-a-spin-part-2/|Custom connectors, taking Azure Logic and API apps for a spin - Part 2]] (21015). * [[https://github.com/logicappsio|Example connectors]] source on GitHub. ====== Other links ====== * [[http://sa-tfsf01:8080/tfs/web/wi.aspx?pcguid=767be886-a48e-4aeb-8655-e45f96a3cfcc&id=726632|Integrating your Systems with Logic Apps]] video from Build 2016. * [[https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Connect/2016/196|Build holistic integration solutions using Azure Logic Apps and API Management]] video from %%Connect(); // 2016%%. * [[https://channel9.msdn.com/Events/Microsoft-Azure/AzureCon-2015/ACON328|Integrate all of the things!]] video from AzureCon 2015. * [[https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/logicapps/|Azure Logic Apps Blog]]