- My friend Dan recently asked
Has anyone already written the code to use the AVR on the Gertboard for the Raspberry Pi as a simple GPIO expansion/demux?
I don’t have an answer for him, but maybe you do, or know somebody who does?
- Seattle to sport one of the first Bitcoin ATMs in the U.S.
- SQRL (Secure Quick Reliable Login) – from Steve Gibson, the host of Security Now – aims to replace username/password login for websites. This is an open project, being worked on by Steve along with fans and followers.
- I’ve used Console2, and fairly recently heard about clink and ConEmu, but sweet monkey sundae! I finally saw a screencast of ConEmu in action. Must start using this!
Tools I’ve recently started using
- Chocolatey is an attempt at a package manager, kind of like apt-get (and I stress kind of), for Windows software. It’s still a bit rough around the edges, but I’ve been using it to help ensure my tools are up to date.
- A few of us at work have been using meetings.io when working from home and I like it enough that I’ve recently decided to go ahead and sign up for an account – which gives me a profile page, vanity URL and personal meeting room. You can still use the service without signing up, however.
Projects, coding, etc.
- Published gist of a DataParameter implementation for ADO.NET. (C#)
- Began work on replacing CtcApi unit test code with database mocks. (C#)
- Submitted class to measure time elapsed for code execution to the CtcApi. (C#)